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Secrets We Share S3E4: Yvonne - work in progress

Yvonne welcomed me into her therapeutic space in Brisbane on a warm, sticky day in Summer. The veranda doors opened to a lush, green, urban rainforest. Some of plants growing there I have in pots in my room in Canberra, a considerably less tropical climate.

She works in palliative care and spends her life working with people to give them a dignified end of life.

Her passion came after many years as a social worker, when she had a number of losses in her own circle of family and friends, she was led down the path of helping the dying and their loved ones prepare for what comes next.

‘Nothing compares to helping someone with a camp tattoo die with dignity.’

The dogs bark in all the right places in this one.

Patreon patrons can take a tour around her beautiful garden, and if you happen to be in Brisbane on a Saturday night, you can totally AirBnB her amazing space. Thank you to Yvonne and Wednesday the dog for letting me into their home and for taking time out of her day to talk with me.

Thank you to Nick McCorriston for being my podcast guru and putting the thing together with music and intros.

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