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Secrets We Share S2E1: Peter

Ex-teacher and stand-up comedian Peter invited me into his wonderful, hilltop home in Sutherland Shire, south of Sydney, NSW. He even changed out of his pajamas's for our chat.

After years of dealing with traumatic workplace incidents he finally found peace after the law came down on his side, but the long drawn out process of getting justice had taken a toll on his health. He speak candidly, and without fear of naming and shaming, about that process.

He also shares some wonderful tales about his childhood in New York, the importance of friends and how much comedy helped him, and continues to help him get out of bed for gigs.

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Thank you to Peter for allowing me into his home and sharing his secrets with me while his wife hid in the office so it 'was quiet'.

Thank you to Nick for being my podcast guru and continuing to work his magic on the varying sound quality of having a 'mobile studio'.

Please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments below, or if you'd like to be a guest, send a message via the contact page.

This podcast can also be found on Apple podcasts and everywhere you find podcasts.

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